Dieses kleine Skript setzt automatisch das Datum der
letzten Änderung ein. So sieht es aus :
Quelltext kommt zwischen <body> und
</body>, wo das Datum erscheinen soll :
//This is a little automated LAST MODIFIED script that you can stick at the
//bottom of your pages and forget about updating it.
//Hacked together by Stephen King and James Wright: 03/22/96
//It even works for the year 2000 and up!! Modified
by WebmasterNETZ.de
function initArray() { // Thanks JavaScript Mailing List for this function
this.length = initArray.arguments.length
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
this[i+1] = initArray.arguments[i]
var DOWArray = new
var MOYArray = new
var LastModDate = new Date(document.lastModified);
document.write("<font face=verdana size=-1><center><b>Letztes
Update: ");
document.write(DOWArray[(LastModDate.getDay()+1)],", ");
document.write(MOYArray[(LastModDate.getMonth()+1)]," ");
document.write(LastModDate.getDate(),", ",(LastModDate.getYear()+1900));