{Javaskript: Browserabhänige Sounddatei}

Bei diesem Skript werden jeweils spezifische Sound-Dateien für den Netscape Navigator und den Internet Explorer abgespielt.



<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- // Script MIDI playing. By Magic Maker
// You can enter any sound file be it .wav, .au, or .mid
// Just replace peanuts.mid with a sound file of your choice
// Please Keep Information along with credits
// And feel free to alter this script as long as credits remain
// mail me at maligui@mvillage.com
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
document.write('<EMBED SRC="1.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=true WIDTH=145 HEIGHT=55
else { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
document.write('<BGSOUND SRC="2.mid" LOOP="1">')

© by Christian Thiele - WebmasterNETZ  - http://www.webmasternetz.de